SUE is a technology that allows business and domain experts to transfer their knowledge to computers. This gives the organization the ability to replicate the decisioning performance of the top experts throughout the organization. SUE then allows the company to manage outcomes and adjust the model to its changing needs. Virtual experts have near limitless capacity and can be integrated and deployed anywhere and in any operational environment.
Specify what the decision is and what questions you would ask to make the decision.
Sue will ask you numerous configurations of your questions to find your underlying rules.
Optimize your bot to suit your needs.
Distribute the model throughout your organisation so everyone can benefit from your judgement.
SUE for Predictive Analysis
As a PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS tool SUE will if correctly modelled provide a level of accuracy that will not only surprise you but will give you the confidence to apply the results to business decisions across your organisation.
Accurate and time-saving
100% Accuracy with decisions to close mining operations. Freeing up senior management to focus on other tasks.
• Change old decisions to influence behaviour
• Add importance to neglected variables
• Remove human bias to align decisions to strategy
• Learn the hidden rules that guide ‘expert opinion’ in your organisation
• All with an easy graphic interface
Features and benefits
SUE has built in graphic presentations of your decision structure that allow you to:
• Learn what the unconscious processes are in expert decision making
• Make those decisions transparent to the board
• Justify those decisions to regulators
• Change the way they are made in accordance with new guidelines
• Review past decisions rapidly and detect fraud
• Receive warning emails when decisions are taken that do not match SUE
• Use SUE behind the scenes for decision auditing
Other benefits include mining, production monitoring, industrial processing, high-precision farming, engine monitoring.
In addition to A BOT Named SUE our partner ANALYCAT has suite of associated tools, please go to ANALYCAT under our Partners link for further information.
The SUE AI BOT has a wide variety of implementations in the market. The following are examples of where SUE has been applied:
• Actuarial Decision Making
• Pricing
• Auditing
• Automatic Renewals
• Claims
• Cyber Risk
• Data Enhancement
• Application Selection
• Onboarding
• Questionnaires
• Targeted Marketing
• Monitoring
• IOT/Telemetry
• Call Centres Next Best
• Medical Processing
Introduction to SUE
Artificial Intelligence models can be built in ten minutes flat! Build an AI model for any industry with no programming or maths needed.
SUE and Maths
For maths and data nerds. Get insight into the power and abilities of SUE doing mathematical fitment and data enhancement for you.
SUE and Coronavirus
A short explaining video demonstrating how SUE AI can be used effectively to combat the current challenges of coronavirus.