Affinity Initiative resellers are selected based upon their reputation, skillset, experience and knowledge of their chosen market. All resellers are trained in the respective Solutions that they take to market and are fully supported by both Affinity Initiative and the primary technology owners personnel through the sales engagement, the programme or project delivery and as required post implementation.

Cognitive Risk works in the space where INSUR meets TECH helping businesses get smarter. We believe in Digital Transformation and helping our clients to continually improve their propositions, systems and processes. Whether it is developing an amazing application, delivering authenticity to help build brand awareness or undertaking research into the next opportunity or technological solution, we are continually looking at ways of delivering and connecting smarter insurance. Our work helps build a road map to success. We operate in that mid space where we can help new entrants or incumbents understand each other’s businesses and challenges and maximise any opportunities through collaboration or partnering. We are passionate about seeing new and creative technology used, driving digital innovation and connecting smart thinkers. Ultimately, we blend creativity and knowledge, with Insurance and a technology experience to grow and improve our client’s businesses.