Affinity Initiative and DA Strategy have formed a partnership bringing DA Strategy’s industry specialist knowledge and experience together with Affinity’s Intelligent Automation and advanced technology capabilities.
The partnership between Affinity Initiative and DA Strategy will deliver value and efficiencies to partners and clients by combining agile tools such as ‘A Bot Named Sue’ with DA Strategy’s specialist delegated authority knowledge. With the changing regulatory burden and the availability of adaptable technology, now is the time to focus on delivering new solutions.
“We are very excited to partner with DA Strategy, the lead consultancy in the delegated authority arena. Our partnership will help deliver focused delegated authority solutions for our clients.”
Tim Peters, COO Affinity Initative
“Our partnership opens up opportunities to bring much needed technology into the often spreadsheet driven delegated authority market. We look forward to developing innovative, effective insurance solutions.”
Charles Rowley, CEO DA Strategy
About Affinity Initiative
Affinity Initiative brings together the best of breed technology and people to realise the opportunity Intelligent Automation brings. Affinity Initiative believes that by applying advanced technologies like RPA, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Process Mining to augment workers and automate processes in ways that are significantly more impactful than traditional automation capabilities. Affinity Initiative has a business model and a process strategy that, augmented by proven and experienced consultants and business partners will prove to be a real differential for our clients in an ever-changing business world.
About D A Strategy
DA Strategy has the technical, operational and data management skills to deliver solutions, support special projects and provide independent process and enhanced regulatory reviews. DA Strategy helps Carriers, Brokers and MGA / Coverholders build delegated authority business and reach their goals and to address challenges including:
- Developing strategic plans to deliver business growth,
- Addressing FCA ‘Dear CEO’ risk management challenges,
- Managing Delegated Authority Risk including due diligence, regulatory and audit,
- Improving contracts across Binding Authorities, Lineslips, Master Policies and Consortia,
- Undertaking Conduct Risk and product reviews; and
- Delivering high quality operational and transactional data for value-added analysis.

Press Contact: Affinity Initiative
Michael Laurenson: